Anna Ceppi
Born in 1974, from an early age she is in close contact with the world of Art.
Grown in an artistic family, in the studio of her father, Alberto Ceppi, painter, sculptor and professor at Brera, she experimented with colors, shapes, clay and plasticine. She attended the studios and visited the exhibitions of the most important artists in Milan, professors and colleagues of her father, from Francesco Messina to Cristoforo De Amicis, from Enrico Manfrini to Mauro Reggiani, Luciano Minguzzi and Dino Lanaro.
She graduated with full marks from the Liceo Artistico Boccioni in Milan, directed by Italo Antico, in 1992, in a cultured, lively and stimulating environment.
In 1999 she obtained her Master's Degree with full marks in Architecture at the Politecnico di Milano with the Thesis: Pythagorean Harmonic Proportions in Greek and Renaissance Architecture; attending courses in History of Art with Flavio Caroli, Exhibition Design and Museography with Alfredo Drugman, Scenography with Marisa Galbiati, History of Western Architecture with Aldo Castellano, History of Architecture with Graziella Zanella Colmuto, Architectural Restoration with Andrea Bruno, Interior Design and Architecture with Giandomenico Salotti, Architectural Composition with Gianni Braghieri.
After her degree, she furthered her studies at Harvard University Extension School.
She earned music degrees from the Conservatories of Milan, Como and Bergamo, including the Licentiate of: History of Music, Complementary Harmony, Theory and Solfeggio and 5th Year Piano.
She studied Opera Singing with sopranos Barbara Frittoli, Lucia Belluso Noseda and Patrizia Zanardi and attended teacher training courses at the New England Conservatory in Boston. She specializes in Jazz Vocal Improvisation at the New England Conservatory.
She is selected in the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards of Rotary International District 2040.
In 1999, after graduation, she moves to the United States where she is appreciated for her great imagination and ability in freehand drawing: she is Designer in the Interior Architecture and Space Planning Department of Studio Icon Architecture in Boston, and collaborates on projects such as the extension of Berklee College of Music in Boston, the renovation of Boston's South Station, the Gloucester Maritime Heritage Center, and the Auburn Festival Plaza in Maine.
She was called by the American firm Gardener's Gallery in Lawrence, Massachusetts, as Art Creator and Project Manager and designed the 2000 and 2001 collections of artistic vases and garden furniture distributed in North America, in major shopping malls and hotels.
Returned in Italy in 2001, she teaches Art Education, Technical Education and Music Education for several years in secondary schools. She teaches Pianoforte and Introduction to Music courses at the European Music Academy and the Amadeus Music School in Meda.
From 2001 until her father's passing in 2018, she collaborates with him in the Alberto Ceppi Art and Architecture Studio in Meda, working on numerous sculptures, stained glass windows and mosaics placed in public and private buildings, churches in Italy and abroad.
She is the co-author of Allegro Pentagramma, a musical educational game patented and created by Ars Notae for learning musical notation in Italian primary and preschools.
During her research at the Trivulziana Library in Milan, she discovers a score of Halleluja Francigena, composed before the 10th century, which testifies to the French origin of the founding nuns of the Monastery of S. Vittore in Meda.
From 2010 to 2014 she became socially involved in the fight against Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis by serving on the organizing committee for the Rotary Club Sesto Milium Centenario's ALS Degree Awards.
In 2015 and 2016 she is on the organizing committee of the PRISLA Prize, Degree and Research Awards on ALS.
In 2016 she creates for the event in Bocconi University: Research and Models of Care in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Chronic Degenerative Diseases the art print Germoglio.
At the Advances in Decision Analysis 2019 International Scientific Conference, held at Bocconi University, she designs the Remember Milan art print.
In 2019 and 2020, she is a member of the Executive Committee of the Ettore Pozzoli International Piano Competition.
She wins second prize in the Art and Architecture Competition "York Contract: Unmasking Year 2000" with the work "Violet Mask" at the Regal Bostonian Hotel in Boston.
She is the Winner of the Parco Valle Lambro 40th Anniversary Competition "Il Parco: Natura e Territorio, Ambiente e Comunità, Storie e Cultura" with the work "Sogno" and awarded in the Hall of Mirrors in Villa Reale of Monza in 2023. Her work "Sogno" is published in the 2024 Calendar of the Parco Regionale della Valle del Lambro, Ed. Bellavite.
She is Finalist in Art at the Premio Accademico Internazionale di Poesia e Arte Contemporanea Apollo dionisiaco Roma 2024 with the artwork “Primavera spezzata”, out of 1012 participating works worldwide, organised by Accademia Internazionale di Significazione Poesia e Arte Contemporanea, in Formative Convention with Università degli Studi di Roma Tre, accredited by Regione Lazio, listed in the register of Roma Capitale, the Municipality of Canale Monterano and promoted by the Istituto Italiano di Cultura of New York.
She received the Certificate of Merit at the Premio Mestre di Pittura 2023, "distinguished for the quality of the nominated work" with the work "Sangue sui Campi di Grano”.
She received the “Certificate of Artistic Excellence,” at the “Contemporary Art Exposition Arte Bratislava,” “on the basis of creativity and excellent contribution to art,” organized in Bratislava Castle, Slovakia in 2023.
She has exhibited in Palazzo del Bargello in Gubbio, in Bratislava Castle, in Art Nou 277 Gallery in Barcelona, in the Sala Degli Specchi in Villa Reale in Monza, in the Museum of Art and Science in Milan, in Sala Giovanni Paolo II in Sovico; in Sala Civica Radio in Meda; in Galleria Civica Mariani in Seregno; in Parco di Villa Borromeo in Cesano Maderno; in Agrinatura, Galleria Centrale of Lario Fiere in Erba; in Antica Chiesetta del Bruno in Arcore; in Museo Diocesano in Gubbio.
Several local and national magazines have spoken about her, and her works are part of private collections in Italy and Europe, the United States, China, and the United Arab Emirates.
Her name and works are included in the Encyclopedia of Italian Art in volumes XI and XII.
Since 2018 she has been running the Alberto Ceppi Studio Museo in Meda, where there are sculptures, paintings, stained glasses, mosaics and a gypsoteca, as well as workshops. The purpose of the Studio Museo is to keep her father's memory alive, creating meeting places and exhibition spaces also for artists of new generations.
In 2020 she opened the Anna Ceppi Art Atelier in Meda where she creates her works.
She is married to Emanuele Borgonovo, a full professor at Bocconi University, with whom she collaborates in interdisciplinary research projects aimed at exploring the intersections between Mathematics, Music and Art; she has two daughters Emma and Valeria.